More Ovaltine Please!

| Saturday, March 28, 2009

More Ovaltine Please!

Ever since I started my diet at the beginning of 2009, I have decided to give up any and all soft drinks. Now, I had done this once before when I was in high school and I made it about two months until I took a single sip of a soft drink. That single sip led to the occasional soft drink when I ate out, which maybe totaled to two or three cans a month. Well that eventually led me right back to where I started and I was drinking multiple soft drinks in a day, but that was then. I think I've finally rid myself of them completely. How did I do it? Ovaltine!

I know, it seems kind of weird, but Ovaltine is basically keeping me away from drinking soft drinks. I'm one of those people who can chug a bottle of water in about 10 seconds flat so after the first few days of not drinking soda I really had no problem drinking only water. But no matter how much I like water I did eventually crave some other kind of beverage. So my roommate eventually suggested I try Ovaltine. I don't think I ever had the stuff until January of this year, I guess my parents never liked it so I never had a chance to try it. Now, I drink about 24oz of the stuff per day.

So, here is how I make it:

Step 1: I bought a protein shaker bottle, similar to the one pictured on the right, that has the ounces measured down the side and I put three dash marks on the 8oz, 16oz, and 24oz (1, 2, and 3 servings of Ovaltine) of the bottle to indicate how much milk to pour.

Step 2: Pour the milk to the appropriate line and then add the appropriate amount of Ovaltine.
-Four tablespoons of powder for 8 ounces of milk
-Eight tablespoons of powder for 16 ounces of milk
-Twelve tablespoons of powder for 24 ounces of milk

Step 3: Close the lid and shake it up for a few seconds. Pop the lid open and enjoy!

This makes for a great and protein shake after working out. I'm not big into using whey powders and stuff like that after a workout, mainly because I don't want to put weird things into my body. I'm sure they work well and probably aren't bad for you, I just don't like to not know what I'm eating. The milk is a great and quick source of protein for your body to digest and get into it's system quickly after your workout. This will help muscle growth and I even read a study that said people who had 24 oz of milk per day actually lost a pound more than people who didn't drink milk on a similar diet.


morelloanne said...
March 31, 2009 at 5:52 PM

pahahaha. i find this amusing. i dont know why.

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