-1/2 lb of spaghetti-your favorite Ragu Pasta Sauce
-fresh Italian sausage
-salt and pepper
(makes one hefty or two normal servings)
My recommendations for ingredients:
-1/2 lb of whole wheat spaghetti
-Ragu Robusto Parmesan & Romano Pasta Sauce
-fresh Hot Italian Sausage
Step 1: Take your 1/2 lbs of spaghetti put them in a tupperware dish. Cover them completely with water and set in the microwave. I always either put a paper plate or paper towels underneath the tupperware because the water does tend to boil over the top from time to time. For 1/2 lbs of pasta I usually set the microwave to 14 minutes on high.
Step 2: For some reason it seems that everytime I cook pasta in the microwave I end up with the tupperware being covered in some kind of sticky substance. I'm not really sure what it is, but I'm thinking its some weird by product of the starch being cooked by the microwave. Don't worry though, I usually just run water over the pasta and put it either in a new tupperware dish or a microwavable bowl.
Step 3: Take one or two links of sausage from your package and take a fork o

Alternative Step 3: If you don't have a George Foreman grill you can always get precooked sausage instead. I don't mean hot dogs either, look at a package of any kind of sausage and if it is precooked then it will state it on the label. This just means that the sausage is already cooked and it really only needs to be heated up in order to eat. So all you have to do for step three is take out a link or two of sausage and pop it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. I would definitely poke holes in the sausage here as well. I know a microwave cooks things from the inside out, so you don't want any exploding sausages on your hands.
Step 4: Once the sausage is done grilling I usually take it out and cut it up into quarter inch pieces and throw it on top of the pasta. I then put about a cup of the pasta sauce and pour that on top of the spaghetti and sausage.
Step 5: Stir everything up together and put it back in the microwave for about a minute. This will allow the sauce to heat up and also pick up some flavor for the sausage.
Step 6: You can cover with some Parmesan cheese if you have any, though it's not necessary.
nom nom nom. sounds good.
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